Temryava is a 3d voxel-based puzzle game where all light is traced, causing accurate shadows (at least, within the voxel resolution). Each color of light has a different effect within the game's mechanics -- red controls what can be on, green controls where you can go, blue controls time. On the other hand, removing said light (i.e. shadow) revokes that effect. Solving the puzzles requires interacting with the level in ways which influence the light/shadow such that it has a desirable geometry. The first three levels are tutorial levels for the colors, and at the end of each level is an exit frame that takes you to the next level.

  • Red light allows toggled things to be "on". Red shadow locks things to "off".
  • Green light allows you to move into somewhere. Green shadow is a solid wall/floor/ceiling for you.
  • Blue light lets time pass. Time is frozen within blue shadow.


  • WASD to move, space to jump
  • Click to interact (toggle or pick up, depending on type of object)
  • Shift (or Tab) to view shadows
  • R to restart the level
  • M to re-grab the mouse

From my testing, it seems to run best in Chrome. If mouse grab gets lost, press M until it is regained (thanks Bevy).

Temryava Design Document

This is really more of a demo than anything -- There's so much more that can be done with a custom lighting engine like this, but making that took over half the time.

Known issues (I didn't find the time to fix these before the deadline):

  • Make sure the game is fully visible (1024x1024 pixels), or mouse movement can be a bit broken. This might mean pressing F11 before launching the game.
  • Mouse grab gets lost sometimes for unclear reasons (at least for me on firefox using a laptop touchpad), so just press M until it re-grabs it if that happens.
  • While a block is updated every frame, the game gets a little slower -- it's still tolerable though. It's a fixable issue, but requires a rewrite of the lighting engine.

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